Reliable carpet cleaning in Gowanbrae.

Trustworthy and reliable service!
Same day, weekends and holidays availability!
Reliable and fully trained carpet cleaners near you!

Additional cleaning services to bundle up with your carpet cleaning in Gowanbrae

End of lease cleaning

You’re moving out and want to make sure that your rental bond will be returned to you? Let us take care of your end-of-lease cleaning needs! The cleaning professionals will remain on site until all tasks on their checklist are completed and the property is just as clean as it was at the time of move-in.

Spring cleaning

We have some good news for you if spring cleaning chores are frustrating and time-consuming for you. As the professionals clean and sanitise your property following your instructions and requests, you are now able to enjoy more spare time. Doing it yourself is time-consuming and inefficient. Why not let your expert cleaners do the hard job for you?

Window cleaning

You owe it to your windows to take care of them professionally! For exterior window cleaning, we use a simple, highly efficient method that will restore your windows’ sparkle! Suitable for windows up to the fourth floor, this solution is completely safe and eco-friendly. What’s the secret? Utilizing a water-fed pole cleaning system that uses only purified water, we use a water-fed pole cleaning system. Squeegees and cloths are used to clean interior windows.

Oven cleaning

By using our oven cleaning service, you can easily restore your appliance to a sparkling state without the hassle of cleaning. In addition to the visible parts of your cooker, the technician will clean the parts you cannot see. As a result, your appliance will look almost brand new. This is a cost-effective way to prolong the life of your cooking appliances. Our technicians will use only the most effective products and methods when they clean your oven. This will ensure that your appliance will be as fresh as possible afterward.

What our carpet cleaning process in Gowanbrae entails

The carpet cleaning service consists of a few steps that are easy to follow!

Prep work

Whenever a technicians treats a rug, they first determine its composition. Experts may carry out a small, unobtrusive test on a not-visible section of the piece in order to determine fibre composition. As part of the cleaning process, the cleaner will move light furniture and note areas that need extra attention, such as those that are stained or worn.

Carpet pre-treatment

Following that, we’ll vacuum your favourite rugs and carpets thoroughly with an industry-grade vacuum cleaner. Stains and high-traffic areas will be treated with a special stain removal product.

Dry or steam carpet cleaning

Dry cleaning involves spreading an absorbent powder over the carpet with rotating brushes, and then using powerful suction to pull the dirt out. As for hot water extraction, an industrial-strength wet vacuum machine is used to remove the dirt after applying water and cleaning solution under high pressure. Up to 95% of the water can be extracted with professional equipment which leaves your carpet almost dry.

Carpet after-care

Protect your carpet against stains with this optional step. After cleaning your rug, we can apply a stain protector that is guaranteed by Scotchgard to keep it clean and smelling fresh for up to 6 months.

Deep Carpet Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning Service

Why choose Paul’s carpet cleaning in Gowanbrae

Our team values your time and appreciates the trust that you place in us.

  • Ease of service – You won’t pay anything extra for a weekend or even bank holiday appointment.
  • Flexible booking options – Book a cleaning service during weekends, public holidays, or even after business hours. If you need an emergency service, we can provide it.
  • Sustainable cleaning methods – We use eco-friendly and hypoallergenic products, so you don’t have to worry about your health.
  • Maintain your carpet warranty – It is common for carpet manufacturers to require proof that the carpet has been cleaned professionally on a periodic basis in order to validate the warranty.
  • Well-maintained, professional-grade tools – Using top-grade equipment results in deeper cleaning, reduced drying times, and fewer fibre damages.
  • Fully insured carpet cleaning – The chances of a qualified technician damaging your rug are very remote. But just so you know, the service is covered.

Carpet cleaning Gowanbrae coverage

Whether your office or home in Gowanbrae needs professional cleaning, we are always ready to help. The local cleaners will arrive quickly to restore your place’s immaculate cleanliness.


Q: What is the drying time for carpets?
A: Depending on the weather, the carpet thickness, the material, ventilation, and temperature in the room, it usually takes between 3-6 hours. In order to speed up this process, you can open your window (s) or turn on your air conditioning.
Q: Can blood/urine be completely extracted?
A: Stains vary depending on where they came from, what they’ve been exposed to, and how long they’ve been there. Pre-treating stains with chemicals, spotters, and stain removers will help us remove them effectively.
Q: Can I cancel or reschedule my carpet cleaning appointment without being charged?
A: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give us at least 24 hours’ notice. Otherwise, a cancellation fee will apply.
Q: Will there be a wet smell after carpet steam cleaning?
A: Having the carpet wet for too long could cause the wet smell. After a carpet has been professionally cleaned, open the windows or turn on the air conditioner to improve ventilation.

Book a professional carpet cleaning service in Gowanbrae!